Trick Or Treat!

Halloween is just around the corner here in Lawrence. We’ve told you about trips to the Spirit Halloween store every October and having a Halloween party the first year when I return. And now we’re talk about the most important topic for October. Trick-or-Treating! Okay, here’s my idea for when I’m back in Lawrence. When I finally have my new condo here in downtown Lawrence, I wanna do my part and give out candy to little kids. If I can find the perfect costume for Halloween, I could go as Bob Ross. The last time went as Bob Ross, I wore the disco afro wig I used from the garage. Whenever I get a chance to go Spirit Halloween, I’ll pick the perfect Bob Ross costume. You know what Mr. Ross says. “We don’t make mistakes, we have happy accidents.” My dad and I were thinking about maybe looking for a Bob Ross costume for Halloween. And if it weren’t for this Halloween store that I love going to, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I will hope that there’s a Spirit Halloween store somew...