July Edition

July Edition July is the month for Independence Day and still the middle of summer. But that doesn’t just start there. It happens anywhere in Lawrence. People buy fireworks and shoot them off in the neighborhood, the fields, at the farm, and everyone here gets to watch them explode. Why? Because it’s America’s birthday. And signing is what we celebrate on the 4th of July every year because that’s the day it was signed on, in the year 1776, Philadelphia, PA. I remember the time my family and I went to the park to watch the fireworks 💥. I really love watching them a lot. I also remember that one time my dad and I bought fireworks to light up in the front yard. We’d watch those bottle rockets fly. When my family and I lived in the farm in 2005, we got together and lit up the fireworks there. I’ll never forget my 4th of July party I threw there. My friends were there, and everyone else too. We had hot dogs, plenty of fruit and chips, and soda. I even showed everyone a trick you can ...